

Bournemouth WordPress meetup – Thurs. 23rd Feb. 2017

Bournemouth WordPress meetup – Thurs. 23rd Feb. 2017

The next WordPress Bournemouth Meetup is on Thursday 23rd February at our usual venue, Box44 in Bournemouth.

This month we have not one, not two but three talks! All shortish lightning talks with a varied set of topics.

Accessibility presented by Rich Senior.

Talk on talks presented by Chris Sherry.

This is a short talk about the tips and advice Chris has picked up over the last couple of years about speaking, and specifically creating slidedecks for talks.

Chris is a Web Application Engineer at 3 SIDED CUBE in Bournemouth and regular contributor to PHPDorset.

WordPress with Docker and Bedrock presented by Michael Craddock.

A quick run through on how Michael set up a Docker development environment using the Bedrock boilerplate for WordPress and some of the pros and cons.

Michael is a Front End Developer at Redweb working mostly with Drupal (gasp!) but loves learning new things and sharing those things with others.

Pizza and drinks supplied by our sponsors.

  • 6.30pm – Doors Open
  • 6.45pm – Pizza
  • 7.15pm – Talks

WordPress Bournemouth is an informal and friendly meet up for WordPress users, enthusiasts, and professionals. An opportunity to share and learn with WordPressers from in and around the Bournemouth area.

This event is open to all. From people who are wanting to learn more about the world’s most popular content management system, to people who make their living with WordPress.

Follow #wpbournemouth and @WPBournemouth on Twitter for all the latest. Have a talk you’d like to present? We’d love to hear from you.


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