

WordPress London Meetup #wpldn – 23 Feb. 2017

WordPress London Meetup #wpldn – 23 Feb. 2017

Two great speakers lined up for you this month at #wpldn, coming from two highly respected, truly global, WordPress agencies; 10up & Human Made.

Missed a #wpldn recently? Catch up at wpldn.uk

Privacy by Design: 7 things you can’t afford to ignore.

Even in a post Brexit UK, the new law on data protection is going to change things for your website and digital platform, whether you are technical, UX or a business owner.  In this presentation Danny will explain the practical steps you must take so that you don’t fall foul of the new regime.  Danny will also explain the likely impact of this European legislation on a post Brexit UK and on any website/app that targets EU consumers.

Presented by Danny Dagan.  Danny is a Senior Web Strategist for WordPress agency 10up, who are key contributors to WordPress core.  He is also legally educated and wrote a dissertation about the new data protection regime.  He loves combining the two ‘geek professions’, tech and law, and promises not to use Latin unless it is entirely necessary (though Dothraki and Klingon may be featured).  Follow him @e_d_dagan

Leveraging the Customizer for Big Media.

The Customizer is one of the most powerful parts of WordPress, its a great tool for users, and big media to customise the message of content in a visual way.  We’ll be looking at an example of this and what type of features can be built around the customizer experience.

Presented by Dan Westall.  Dan is a WordPress Engineer @ Human Made, who has been known to talk about WordPress Customizer, using WordPress for Esports and Web Sockets, but not always in that order.  Follow him @danwestall_

Follow #wpldn on Twitter for all the latest and join the Facebook Group to take the conversation further.  Have a talk you’d like to present?  We’d love to hear from you: speakers@wpldn.co.uk



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