

WordPress 5.6.1 Maintenance Release

WordPress 5.6.1 Maintenance Release

WordPress 5.6.1 is now available!

This maintenance release features 20 bug fixes as well as 7 issues fixed for the block editor. These bugs affect WordPress version 5.6, so you’ll want to upgrade.

You can download WordPress 5.6.1 directly, or visit the Dashboard Updates screen and click Update Now. If your sites support automatic background updates, they’ve already started the update process.

WordPress 5.6.1 is a short-cycle maintenance release. The next major release will be version 5.7.

To see a full list of changes, you can browse the list on Trac, read the 5.6.1 RC1 post, or visit the 5.6.1 documentation page.

Thanks and props!

The 5.6.1 release was led by @audrasjb@desrosj@sergeybiryukov and @whyisjake. Thanks to @metalandcoffee and @hellofromtonya for running bug scrubs, @planningwrite and @davidbaumwald for their help on the release post.

Props to everyone who helped make WordPress 5.6.1 happen:

aaribaudAaron D. CampbellAhmed SaeedAndrew OzzAnthony Burchellarchon810Ari StathopoulosAyesh KarunaratnebasscancarloscastilloadhocCarolina NymarkcelendesignChristopher FinkeCoponsDan FarrowDaniel Richardsdavid.bindaDenis YanchevskiyDilip BhedaDominik SchillingEbonie ButlerFelix ArntzFlorian TIARGarrett HydergKibriaGreg ZiółkowskiHelen Hou-SandiIan DunnifnoobIsabel BrisonIsmail El KorchiJake SpurlockJames HuffJason LeMahieu (MadtownLems)Jb AudrasJohn BlackbournJonathan DesrosiersJonathan StegallJorge CostaJosephaJustin AhinonKai HaoKelly Choyce-DwanKjell ReigstadKonstantinos XenoslitemotivlucasbustamanteMahdi AkramimajhajobManzur AhammedMarius L. J.Matt WiebeMaxime PerticiMel Choyce-DwanMichael BabkerMukesh PanchalNicolasKulkaNik TsekourasoakesjoshPeter WilsonPrem TiwariRiad BenguellaRichard TapeRobert AndersonRodrigo PrimoSeBsZSergey BiryukovSlava AbakumovStephen Bernhardtt-pTakashi KitajimaTanvirul HaquethorlentzTimothy JacobsToni ViemeröTony ATonya Morktransl8or, and Vlad T.

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