

WordPress 5.6.2 Maintenance Release

WordPress 5.6.2 Maintenance Release

WordPress 5.6.2 is now available!

This maintenance release includes 5 bug fixes. These bugs affect WordPress version 5.6.1, so you’ll want to upgrade.

You can download WordPress 5.6.2 directly, or visit the Dashboard Updates screen and click Update Now. If your sites support automatic background updates, they’ve already started the update process.

WordPress 5.6.2 is a small maintenance release focused on fixing user-facing issues discovered in 5.6.1. The next major release will be version 5.7, currently scheduled for release on 9 March 2021.

To see a full list of changes, you can browse the list on Trac, read the 5.6.2 RC1 post, or visit the 5.6.2 documentation page.

Thanks and props!

The 5.6.2 release was led by @desrosj. Special props to @isabel_brison and @talldanwp for helping to prepare the block editor related fixes, and @audrasjb and @sergeybiryukov for helping with other release related tasks.

Props to everyone who helped make WordPress 5.6.2 happen:

aaronrobertshawAddieAndré Maneiroarchon810Ari Stathopoulosbartosz777Bernhard ReiterDaniel RichardsDavid Andersondbtedgglendaviesnzhmabperaibiza69Isabel BrisonJason RyanJb AudrasJuliette Reinders FolmerKai HaoKerry LiuKonrad ChmielewskiJorge CostamagnuswebdesignMarius L. J.Matt WiebeMukesh PanchalPaal Joachim RomdahlPrem TiwariQRiad BenguellaRobert Andersonroger995Sergey BiryukovSergey YakimovSteven Stern (sterndata)Takashi KitajimatonysandwichworldeduYui.

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