This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest three major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

API for Apex TownControl


The following shortcodes are available
[show_town_arrests time=\’720\’] – This shows all the towns arrests in within the last 30 days by default but can be changed by changing the attribute \’time\’, which is in hours.
[show_town_phonebook] – This shows the entirety of citizens registered in your town by their name, address, and the phone number. (hint: this is a solution for the NorPhone.)

The following command are under development and will be available in a further update:

[show_town_warrants] – Shows any Active Warrants.(Be Cautious of this being used IC)
[show_town_laws] – Shows Citizens all of the Laws of the Selected Town.
[show_town_incidents] – A Transparency Function, letting citizens see short narratives of what happened on each incident, let\’s them know where the taxpayer money is going.


  1. Go to Plugins in the Admin menu
  2. Click on the button Add new
  3. Search for API for Apex TownControl and click \’Install Now\’ or click on the upload link to upload
  4. Click on Activate plugin
  5. Under Settings, click on towncontrol.
  6. Configure your API Key and Town UUID. Once you submit it won\’t show your API Key, but it IS stored.
  7. Use any available shortcode on the site.
  8. Eat Pecan Pie.


none yet!


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Contributors and Developers

“API for Apex TownControl” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


Change Log

1.0.1: March 14, 2023

  • Added Phonebook Shortcode

1.0.0: March 10, 2023

  • Birthday of API for Apex TownControl