SecSign ID – The mobile way to log into web sites
SecSign ID is a plugin for real two-factor authentication (2FA) for WordPress sites. 2FA adds another layer of security to your website by using a second token. In this case the physical token is your smartphone.
If you seek for more information about about two-factor authentication have a look at
- Integrate SecSign ID into your own WordPress site in less than one minute.
- You and your users can also use SecSign ID to visit securely other web sites (e.g. for truly professional messaging and cloud sharing.)
- This service is free for users and web site owners and free of advertising – no matter how many users the web site has.
- You can also integrate SecSign ID as in-house solution into your existing infrastructure (on request with licensed service and maintenance contract)
There are also APIs for PHP, Ruby, Perl, Python and Java as well as plugins and modules for Joomla and Drupal.
A complete overview about available plugins and APIs can be found at
SecSign ID features:
- Quick and easy to use single sign-on with 2048-bit high security
- Eliminates password chaos and security concerns
- No mobile number, credit card or time-consuming registration required
- No need for long cryptical passwords, time-consuming retyping of codes from SMS or reading of QR codes
- High security and strong cryptography on all levels
Technical details (only for experts):
- Up to 2048-bit asymmetric private keys
- Brute force resistant private key storage (SafeKey mechanism)
- Private keys are never transmitted to the authentication server (the SecSign ID server)
- High availability through redundant remote failover servers
- Multi-tier high security architecture with multiple firewalls and protocol filters
More information at
SecSign ID in action:
- Get the app for iPhone or Android
- Choose a unique user short name
- Choose a short PIN to secure your SecSign ID on your phone
That’s it! You can now use your SecSign ID to sign in.
How to sign in:
Just type in your user short name (for instance at SecSign Portal or your WordPress site using this plugin), confirm your sign-in on your phone and you are done within seconds.
Despite its simplicity SecSign ID works with comprehensive and strongest security technologies. The solution we offer is unique and does not submit any confidential data through a web browser.
We have a noticeable background of more than 16 years in developing strong cryptography and highly sophisticated security software products for governments, public institutions and private companies.
Visit our official site to get the app and more information:
and check out our flyer.
For more detailed information about two-factor-authentication (2FA) or two-step-authentication please have a look at the SecSign blog entry about 2FA.
Install the Plugin
- Login into WordPress as admin, go to the plugins screen and select the “Add New” submenu.
- Search for “SecSign” and click “Install Now” or click on “Upload” and select the downloaded zip archive.
- Activate the plugin in the “Installed Plugins” list.
The SecSign ID WordPress plugin uses the SecSign ID API. The API requests from the SecSign ID server a so-called access pass (a session and a pass icon) which must be confirmed on the smartphone. In order to enable the plugin to establish a connection to the SecSign ID server, the curl packet ( must be installed for PHP, and the web server on which the WordPress site is running must be able to reach the SecSign ID server under Otherwise, you have to make changes in the settings for firewall and/or proxy.
Add the Login Widget
- You can add the SecSignID login widget to your site to allow the login on, for example, the side menu.
- Go to the “Appearance” screen and click on the “Widgets” submenu.
- Drag and drop the “SecSign ID Login” widget to, for example, the “Main Sidebar”
General Configuration
- Go to the “Settings” screen and select the “SecSign ID Login” submenu.
- Change the service address which will be shown to the user in the smartphone app. This should match the URL the users will see, when visiting your site.
Co-worker Configuration
- You can integrate the SecSign ID login on the wp-login.php page. This is done by default.
- Optionally, you can assign SecSign IDs to the WordPress users of your co-workers (admins, editors, authors and contributors). The users themselves can also assign a SecSign ID in their profile.
- You can also deactivate the normal password-based login for the users, so they can only login using the SecSign ID. It’s recommended that you deactivate the password login for all co-workers, so your site is secured against brute force attacks. You should only allow the password-based login for your own admin account, in case you lose your phone, and of course for all co-workers without smartphones. These accounts should be secured using a very strong password.
User Configuration
- Optionally, you can assign SecSign IDs to the WordPress users of your website users (subscribers). The users themselves can also assign a SecSign ID in their profile.
- It’s also possible to activate and deactivate the password-based login for your users.
Fast Registration
- In order not to have to create new user accounts yourself you can allow your co-workers or web site users to create user accounts themselves by logging in with their SecSign ID via wp-login.php or the login widget. You can allow them to create a new wordpress user or assign an existing one. After they created an wordpress account, you can assign wordpress roles to your co-workers via the user administration.
See (
How can users assign a SecSign ID to their WordPress account?
You can just sign in with your SecSign ID. You will then be shown a dialog, where you can create a new user or assign your SecSign ID to an existing WordPress user.
Alternatively, you can go to your profile page to assign a SecSign ID.
Is this service for free?
Yes, it’s free for the user and the WordPress admin – no matter how many users the site has. It’s also free of advertising.
How to restore your SecSign ID on a new smartphone?
In the event that you lose your phone or want to switch to a new one, you should write down the restoration code for your SecSign ID. You can find the code in the app: Click on Edit on the main screen, select your SecSign ID and click on Restoration settings.
You can restore your ID on a new phone by going to More -> Restore Identity.
I enabled the SecSign ID Plugin and locked myself out
Do the following steps in order to disable the SecSign ID WordPress login:
- Open your WordPress directory via (S)FTP and rename the folder wp-content/plugins/secsign to secsign1.
- Reload the backend login page and login with your WordPress username and password.
- Important: Immediately rename the folder back to secsign.
- The SecSign ID WordPress Plugin is now deactivated. Click on “Plugins” in the main menu, look for “SecSign” and activate it.
- Adjust options in the SecSign ID settings.
I get the error: The authentication server sent no response or you are not connected to the internet.
The plugin needs to make a connection to to work correctly. This error means it can’t connect to our server. There are some possible reasons for this:
- Please check if you have a firewall or router that might block the connection to on port 443.
- Please check that the curl packet ( is installed in your PHP installation. If this is not the case you should see a curl error about this in your webserver logs.
- Please check if you have another wordpress plugin which might block the connection to our server. There are several wordpress security plugins doing this.
Please contact us at if this doesn’t help.
Contributors and Developers
“SecSign” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
ContributorsTranslate “SecSign” into your language.
Interested in development?
Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.
Change Log
- Tested WP compatibility for WordPress 6.1
- Bugfix for PHP 8.
- Tested WP compatibility for WordPress 5.8.2
- Tested WP compatibility for WordPress 5.7.2
- Tested WP compatibility for WordPress 5.4.1
- Fixed Password Login Problems on WordPress 5.3
- Added new JS API
- Tested WP compatibility for WordPress 5.3
Note: Due to changes at the javascript files, please flush the page cache or any other cache you are using to have the updated files within the browser.
- Added new PHP API
- Added new JS API
- Added new FAQ entry for connection problems
- Tested WP compatibility for WordPress 5.1.1
Note: Due to changes at the javascript files, please flush the page cache or any other cache you are using to have the updated files within the browser.
- Removed WP_DEBUG Notices
- Added new PHP API
- Added new JS API
- Tested WP compatibility for WordPress 4.9.8
Note: Due to changes at the javascript files, please flush the page cache or any other cache you are using to have the updated files within the browser.
- Added workaround for port issue on misconfigured apache server
- Added new PHP API
- Added new JS API
- Tested WP compatibility for WordPress 4.9.6
Note: Due to changes at the javascript files, please flush the page cache or any other cache you are using to have the updated files within the browser.
- Added links to SecSign plugin website on in plugin listing
- Added new PHP API
- Tested WP compatibility for WordPress 4.9.1
- New version of SecSignIDApi.js
- Tested WP compatibility for WordPress 4.7
Note: Due to changes at the javascript files, please flush the page cache or any other cache you are using to have the updated files within the browser.
- New version of SecSignIDApi.js
- Accepted authentication sessions are handled by server. No need to release them manually
- Minor CSS changes
- Tested WP compatibility for WordPress 4.6
Note: Due to changes at the javascript files, please flush the page cache or any other cache you are using to have the updated files within the browser.
- Show server errors to user rather than a nondescriptive default error message.
- Check given SecSign ID if it is syntactically correct before sending it
- New version of SecSignIDApi.js
- Tested WP compatibility for WordPress 4.5.1
Note: Due to changes at the javascript files, please flush the page cache or any other cache you are using to have the updated files within the browser.
- Fixed form switching bug
- Improved error handling
- Tested WP compatibility for WordPress 4.5
Note: Due to changes at the javascript files, please flush the page cache or any other cache you are using to have the updated files within the browser.
- Turned off autocapitalizing and autocorrection for username input fields
- Fixed error if an authentication session is canceled
- Fixed layout error when an authentication is requested. Reset all fields before showing access pass or activity indicator
- Added index.php to all subfolders to prevent directory parsing
- Check that service name and service address dont exceed length limit
- Tested WP compatibility for WordPress 4.4.2
Note: Due to changes at the javascript files, please flush the page cache or any other cache you are using to have the updated files within the browser.
- Added check for already loaded jQuery
- New version of SecSignIDApi.js
- Minor changes in description
- Tested WP compatibility for WordPress 4.4
Note: Due to changes at the javascript files, please flush the page cache or any other cache you are using to have the updated files within the browser.
- Renamed function to fit naming conventions
- Fixed missing plugin name in javascript function
- Using new PHP5 constructors
- CSS fix
- Fixed Widget on WordPress 4.3
- New version of SecSignIDApi.js and SecSignIDApi.php to be aible to login with your SecSign ID priority code
- Minor changes in readme and new screenshots for the website
Note: Due to changes at the javascript files, please flush the page cache or any other cache you are using to have the updated files within the browser.
- New version of SecSignIDApi.js and SecSignIDApi.php
- Fixed error which could interfere with some rules in Apache .htaccess
- Tested WP compatibility for WordPress 4.2.2
Note: After the update, please flush the page cache. Or any other cache e.g. if you are using WordPress plugins like ‘W3 Total Cache’ or ‘Better WordPress Minify’.
- Fixed javascript error that affects websites which use the SecSign ID plugin only at the admin backend
- Tested WP compatibility for WordPress 4.2.1
- Fixed issue with js queue and improved css styles for specific templates
- Added noscript message
- Fixed issue with CSS for button to create a new account
- Solved conflict with jQuery: do not use $ as jQuery object wrapper
- Use built-in function plugin_dir_path() rather than constant WP_PLUGIN_DIR
- Tested WP compatibility for WordPress 4.2
- Fixed issue with the site url which is displayed in the app.
- Each section of the user configuration options now has a ‘save changes’ button
- Fixed issue with html code fragments when user configuration options are shown
- Brute force prevention at fast registration form
- Added warning for interfering admin plugin setting
- New version of SecSignIDApi.js (see GitHub )
- Improved error messages and properly clear javascript timer intervals
- Bug fixed: disable submit button as long as username and password field is empty.
- Bug fixed: adapt regexes in php and javascript to accept SecSign IDs with a dot
- Bug fixed: if login fails refer to page where user tried to login with its SecSign ID
- Improved plugin design with more use of javascript and SecSign Javascript Api to prevent page reloads and increase speed
- New version of SecSignIDApi.js (see GitHub )
- Updated user configuration options
- Bugfixes and path changes
- Layout and plugin structure updates
- Show messages at backend login page e.g. when the authentication session is still pending
- Bug fixed: use the existing div #login_error to display errors at backend login page
- Use brand color for buttons.
- The button color can be adjusted in options page.
- Scroll page to shown access pass in case the plugin is embedded at the end of a page.
- Bug fixed: corrected error messages sent by SecSign ID Server.
- CSS corrections.
- Bug fixed when SecSign ID is checked whether it is null or not. The login form should not be submitted if the user hasn’t entered a SecSign ID.
- When login is started buttons are disabled and the login form is submitted programmatically to prevent multiple submits (in safari and Chrome).
- When checking the authentication session the buttons are disabled to prevent multiple submits.
- When printing the html code the heredoc notation is used for better readability.
- Added new version of SecSign ID PHP API GitHub
- Differ between error message and user formatted message in function print_error(…)
- Added info about installations prerequisites in wordpress readme.txt
- Fixed compatibility issue with WordPress Download Manager Plugin 2.6.96 and newer.
- Responsive Design
- Code Review
- Added descriptions.
- When SecSign ID plugin is enabled the focus is set to SecSign ID input field at wp-login.php.
- CSS corrections.
- Added new screenshots for the description.
- Fixed a problem with some redirect urls
- Use of SecSign ID JS API GitHub – to login an user automatically
- The login will now automatically continue after you selected the access pass on your smartphone. No need to click the OK button.
- Added new installer icons
- Fixed a problem on multisites which could allow a password-based login, although the password-based login was deactivated for this user.
- Integration in wp-login.php page
- Possibility to deactivate the normal password-based login
- Layout fixes
- Allowing wordpress installations on nonstandard ports
- Added new version of SecSign ID PHP API GitHub
- Added new version of SecSign ID PHP API GitHub
- Fixed wpdb::prepare() warning
- Changed color of errors
- Bug fixes
- Initial release