Plugin Tag: block-editor
Patternly – Gutenberg Starter Templates, Patterns, WordPress Landing Pages & Sites
(2 total ratings)Gutenberg template library to build full sites with starter templates, patterns, landing pages and ready sites for WordPress block editor.
Custom Blocks for Instagram
(1 total ratings)Loading Instagram media into your WordPress posts and pages within the Block Editor has never been easier.
Disable Block
(0 total ratings)Disable Block disables Gutenberg editor and Gutenberg Block Library CSS totally everywhere and enables Classic Editor & Classic Widgets.
Carbon Code
(0 total ratings)Adds the beautiful code editor from to the block editor.
Taro iframe Block
(1 total ratings)Add iframe block for your editor. Responsive and keeping aspect ratio.
Disable Classic Editor and Widget
(0 total ratings)This plugin disables the Gutenberg Editor and Gutenberg widget block.
CF block
(0 total ratings)CF Block is a custom Gutenberg Block That has the following upgradation to be followed they are
WPWing Sticky Block
(0 total ratings)The WPWing Sticky Block will stick at the top with an optional offset pixel of the page once you scroll down.
Foxdell Folio BEC Disable Core Blocks
(0 total ratings)Disable core blocks to restrict users to certain features.
Blocksolid Gather
(0 total ratings)Related Posts functionality with a custom post type, shortcode and optional Gutenberg block.
Melonpan Block – Post Title
(0 total ratings)Block that displays the current Post Title and Excerpt.
enBlocks – Gutenberg Blocks for WordPress Block Editor
(0 total ratings)A collection of page-building blocks for WordPress Gutenberg Block Editor to make content creation easier, more flexible, & more efficient.
Rain Forest Theme for the Foxdell Folio Block Editor Customiser
(0 total ratings)Customise you Block Editor experience, or customise the experience on client sites.
Delete Control by Firework
(1 total ratings)A WordPress plugin that adds a delete button on the toggle control for all blocks to enhance the editorial experience.
Receipe block
(1 total ratings)Recipe block is a custom Gutenberg Block That has the following upgradation to be followed they are
Stretch Block Editor
(0 total ratings)Plugin to stretch the new block editor (Gutenberg) in WordPress
Block Editor Navigator
(1 total ratings)Navigate posts & pages with ease inside the Block Editor without going to the main page; Classic Editor support included.
Melonpan Block – Post List
(0 total ratings)Block that displays a list of selected Posts and Custom post types.