Plugin Tag: settings
Settings API
(4 total ratings)A PHP class wrapper for handling WordPress settings API. Gives a very handy way to build theme or plugins option panel.
Print Posts
(0 total ratings)Adds a shortcode that displays posts based on what you add in for values.
Easy Default Parameters
(1 total ratings)Tested up to 3.4.2 Stable Tag: 1.0 Set your own default parameters on a fresh WordPress install
Best Configuration
(1 total ratings)Provides a set of useful configurations for admin backend and frontend.
Minecraft Control Panel
(1 total ratings)Zeigt Informationen über Deinen Minecraftserver im Front- und Backend an. Mit User- und Gruppenverwaltung, Pluginsteuerung und Serverkontrolle.
Theme YAML – Use YAML instead JSON for your theme.json settings and styles
(2 total ratings)Theme Yaml converts your theme.yaml file into theme.json so that you can configure your theme with YAML
Readministrator (Read Only Administrator)
(0 total ratings)Allowing users to see the admin settings page. Just Seeing, No edit allowed 🙂 These users will have all the privilege of editors along with that they …
Simple General Settings
(0 total ratings)Make blogname and tagline editable for everyone. Not only the administrator anymore.
Core Settings
(0 total ratings)Fights against unnecessary WP core settings, removes needless metas and links from header html section.
Name: WP Posts Most Read
(0 total ratings)Count the number of posts views and display a list in a widget. Possibility to display thumbnails.
Advanced What should we write next about
(0 total ratings)Advanced What should we write next about? plugin allows users to leave a quick feedback at the end of your posts.
(0 total ratings)WP Classic Setup: Removes WP version, dashicons, oEmbed, Jquery Migrate, XMLRPC. Set Http security headers, heartbeat to 60s, Post revisions to 1, etc
Template Dictionary
(0 total ratings)A plugin for developers which provides template variables dictionary editable in backend.
Bulk Me Now!
(0 total ratings)A simple contact form plugin that stores the messages right in the database, instead of sending mails.
Direct Admin Reseller Connection
(4 total ratings)Direct Admin Reseller Connection let's your users manage their Direct Admin account with their Wordpress website profile and login.
ACF WPML Theme Options
(0 total ratings)Plugin which adds another way of displaying global options created with ACF on websites which use WPML for multilanguage purposes.
All Settings
(0 total ratings)Simple plugin that adds an All Settings submenu to the Settings menu for Administrators and above, enabling one-click access to the options.php file.
WP Theme ShapeShifter Extensions
(0 total ratings)Extensional Functionalities for WP Theme ShapeShifter.